Shoulder, neck, and back pain, frozen shoulder, stiff neck, acute torticollis, sciatica, lumbar disc herniation, osteoarthritis, edema, slow metabolism, knee, abdominal, lumbar, hip, leg, and arm pain
Pain is a normal sensation caused by the nervous system, and it constantly warns you to pay attention to your body's condition. Acute pain is usually caused by sudden illnesses, inflammation, or tissue damage. Treatment time is relatively short, but if not treated in time, it can worsen and become chronic. If it evolves into chronic pain, the treatment time will be longer, and most drug treatments are ineffective. To seize the golden treatment time, it is necessary to use INDIBA® Pain Management Therapy to repair long-term cell damage, in order to prevent its spread to other areas and prevent the pain from becoming uncontrollable.
TEchnology: INDIBA® uses the unique 448Khz frequency of advanced Proionic cell therapy to promote biological effects through electrical frequency, opening channels to activate and regenerate cells, and stimulate stem cell proliferation. Combined with the Capacitive (CAP) and Resistive (RES) modes, it releases heat energy deep into the subcutaneous tissue to promote wound healing, repair damaged cells, greatly accelerate the body's detoxification function, truly relieve pain, relax tense muscles, and improve quality of life.
Shoulder, neck, and back pain, frozen shoulder, stiff neck, acute torticollis, sciatica, lumbar disc herniation, osteoarthritis, edema, slow metabolism, knee, abdominal, lumbar, hip, leg, and arm pain
For pain conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, severe back pain, gout, neurological muscle disorders, and soft tissue inflammation, stronger non-steroidal anti-inflammatory painkillers are usually prescribed. Although they can effectively reduce fever, relieve pain, and reduce inflammation in the short term, long-term use can cause serious harm to the body with many side effects, which may damage organs such as the liver, stomach, kidneys, and cardiovascular system. However, they cannot completely cure the pain condition.
Research shows that 85% of users report feeling good results after treatment, and 62% of users who have not seen improvement in the long-term achieve significant results.
The non-thermal mode can promote cell metabolism and blood circulation, as well as activate fibroblasts. The warm mode can stimulate vasodilation, increase blood flow and metabolic rate. The high-heat mode can decompose fat, greatly promote detoxification function, and highly stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers.
The three treatments device tip target different areas and range in size of the painful location, effectively relieving pain, soothing, and improving drainage and circulation.
Indiba® is a very safe treatment and can be used before and after various medical treatments, such as fillers injection , implant surgeries, botulinum toxin, thread lifting, pre- and post-operative care, and other medical treatments.
Life Young's professional consultants will first understand your body's health condition, daily life and dietary habits, and areas you want to improve. They will then explain in detail the principles, techniques, precautions, and steps of the INDIBA®Pain Therapy to clients. After conducting a detailed assessment and analysis of the client's specific concerns, they will tailor a weight loss target, and develop a treatment plan that includes the treatment areas and energy levels.
Life Young’s professional therapist/doctors will first cleanse your face and mark the treatment area; test on a small area on the skin to ensure there aren’t any adverse reactions before performing the full treatment procedure.
When the tip touches the skin, you might feel a slight warming sensation. The treatment takes 30 mintues. Therapists will constantly ask you for reassurance to strike a balance between treatment results and comfort.
After completing the treatment, a professional consultant will ask you about your thoughts and opinions on the treatment, and observe your skin’s reaction to the treatment. After making sure everything is fine, they will then go through the aftercare to ensure the most optimal treatment results.